Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


Vrancea County will be at the center, for the first time ever, of THE DISCOVER ROMANIA 2019 summer trip of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation (IRICE).

DISCOVER ROMANIA is a programme destined to acquaint diplomats and international friends of Romania with the country historical patrimony and leisure opportunities and destinations.



A welcoming home away from home for the participants of 2019 DIPLOMATIC TRIP: The DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL.



The destination selection was made keeping in balance the growing international fame of the Vrancea county, the breathtaking beauty of the region and the celebrations destined to underline, during 2019, the YEAR OF GREATER ROMANIA.


The Summer 2019 Diplomatic trip will take place from 12 July to 15th July and will be dedicated as always to diplomats and foreign friends and partners of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania and will be carved as an opportunity and invitation to discover VRANCEA regional heritage, history, culture, hospitality and cuisine treasures.



In 2018 the diplomats visited the magic land of Danube Delta. In 2019 the will adventure into the center of Romania, the Vrancea County.  



Vrancea is still an unspoiled land offering a balanced climate all year round, spectacular scenery, celebrated religious hot-spots like : Buluc Monastery (build by Caragea boyars in XVII century), Recea Monastery from Dumbraveni or Musunoaiele Church from Fitionesti, the mineral waters of Soveja used for medical therapy and the line up of monuments of Focsani, Marasti and Marasesti built after First World War to commemorate the rebirth of Romania after the first global conflagration.


The famous and picturesque Buluc Monastery (build by Caragea boyars in XVII century).


All these cultural and historical highlights can be accessed in day time trips from the host and center of our discovery adventure in Vrancea: The DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL.


Exactly this was another argument in choosing Vrancea for the discovery trip: the opening of an extraordinary resort and hospitality complex in the area: DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL, this is providing us with the high luxury base for our trips in the region mentioned Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.


The main battlefields of the First World War when Romanian army defeated the German attackers and saved the nation independence are also to be discovered on Vrancea County.

A string of monuments erected between 1918-1938 are crowning the land of Vrancea.  


This hospitality complex is to become the gravity center of our activities, to discover Vrancea and also our night base for wonderful meals and recuperation after travel.

At the heart of this sensibilization campaign aimed at informing Romanian public with regards to the extraordinary tourism potential of the Vrancea is Mr. Daniel Guzu, the General Director of DOMENIILE PANCIU and an avid and ardent promoter of the Vrancea County beauties and potential, and determined in sharing them with the world.




Mr. Daniel Guzu, the creator of DOMENIILE PANCIU brand, congratulated by diplomats on the venue of 2018 International Wine Fair of Bucharest.



The diplomat’s program was coined, with the help of HOTEL DOMENIILE PANCIU owner and Director, Mr. Daniel Guzu, a man addicted to Vrancea and passionate to share his knowledge of this legendary county.


We hope that this diplomatic trip to Vrancea will be a new success of the DISCOVERY ROMANIA program, started in 2008 by The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and will be followed this autumn by a discovery trip to another magic land: Maramures, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.



Vrancea: a place of unique beauty and unparalleled sceneries.





The description of 2018 DIPLOMATIC TRIP can be accessed here:

The full photo journal of the 2017 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: IRICE PRESIDENT OFFICE

The full photo journal of the 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: PRESIDENT OFFICE

The Journal of 2011 Ambassadors Visit to DANUBE DELTA is available here:

The Journals of previous visits to Moldavia can be observed here: Iasi and Bucovina


You can access directly the website of the host of 2019 Diplomatic trip THE DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL here:

July 8, 2019 Posted by | AMBASSADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, Daniel Guzu, Diplomacy, DIPLOMATIC WINE, DIPLOMATIC WINE CREATOR, DISCOVER ROMANIA, Donald J. Trump, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Foreign policy, History, History of Christianity, HOUSE OF PANCIU, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Mass media, News, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC PARTENER, OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC PARTNER, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Presidente Rumania Anton Caragea, ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN, Romanian Diplomatic Wine, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Tourism, Travel, VRANCEA, WINE TOURISM, WINEMAKER OF THE YEAR | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


President Dr. Anton Caragea will open, together with President Ismail Omar Guelleh, the celebrations for Africa Week of Culture and Tourism to be held in Djibouti from 16 to 22 April 2018.


Djibouti is now a member of World Capitals of Culture and Tourism select list.


Djibouti was selected as the first African city to be inscribed on the world list of Capitals of Culture and Tourism in recognition of the city rich past, booming traditions and remarkable tourism development.

The country encompasses ten world heritage sites on tentative list ranging from natural treasures and natural protected areas such as: Lake Assal and Lake Abbe, National Park Foret du day to the tumulus of Awellos, cave paintings of Abourma.


President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea welcomed to Ethiopia by Ethiopian H.E. Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.


The capital city: Djibouti is home to a treasure trove of architectural marvels from the historical Haji Hamoudi Mosque, European Quarter (Malik Square) and African Quarter, Djibouti Cathedral and Ethiopian Church Saint Gabriel of the Sun and the cultural blending space of Les Caisses etc.

Our participation in Djibouti, World Capital of Culture and Tourism activities is part of our long-standing commitment to the development of Africa, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, IRICE President.

President of Zimbabwe H.E. Robert G. Mugabe welcomes President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea in Zimbabwe`s capital Harare.

We have supported development and cultural programs in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe and we are proudly adding now Djibouti to our list of valuable partners in the region and the support and enlighten policies of Academician Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti are a guarantee for a long-term cooperation concluded President Dr. Anton Caragea.

H.E. Academician Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti is a world recognized leader appreciated for his ambitious development model enacted in Djibouti.



The delegation headed by H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea will have extensive dialogues with H.E. Mr. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, Prime Minister of Djibouti, H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Ali Youssef, Minister of Foreign Affairs and a special meeting with H.E. Academician Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti and will benefit from a cultural and orientation program in the country.

April 8, 2018 Posted by | Africa, AMBASSADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, Diplomacy, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Ethiopia, ETHIOPIA-WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015, Foreign policy, History, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Leaders, News, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Tourism, Travel, UNESCO Heritage List, WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, Zimbabwe | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments


Caracas will become the official world diplomatic capital on the occasion of  The International Day of Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Diplomacy proclaimed by President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela.


President Nicolas Maduro appeal for The International Day of Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Diplomacy united the world in a Caracas lead global movement for peace and democracy.



The International Day of Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Diplomacy is the brainchild of President Nicolas Maduro, part of the generally acclaimed Bolivarian diplomacy efforts that are destined to carve out a diplomacy for the people, oriented toward cooperation without confrontation, independence without encroachment and dialogue for peace.


In accordance with Caracas role as a global and multipolar diplomatic rostrum ,The International Day of Peace, Sovereignty and Bolivarian Diplomacy –Solidarity with Venezuela is attended by leaders around the world interested in crafting the agenda for a XXI century without aggression, imperialist ploys, menaces and conflicts.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation (IRICE) will outline his vision on world summit in Caracas (16-17 September 2017).



Romania will participate fully on the event with a delegation led by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation (IRICE) in attendance.


Jorge Arreaza  Montserrat, The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela succeeded in fruition of President Maduro vision to carve out a powerful message: WE ARE ALL VENEZUELA!


Jorge Arreaza  Montserrat, The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela has marked in the official invitation letter addressed to Professor Dr. Anton Caragea: As the Minister of People Power for International Relations I consider with interest your participation in this space of magnitude importance and your solidarity in this historical moment when we celebrated the legacy of dignity and  justice of Comandante Hugo Chavez and of President Nicolas Maduro bequeathed to the Venezuelan people and to the Bolivarian revolution.  


Before the departure to Venezuela the IRICE President Anton Caragea outlined his vision in relation with the most significant diplomatic meeting of 2017.


Our presence on the diplomatic and world solidarity event with Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela is carved as a powerful symbol of our commitment with the fight for freedom, dignity and sovereignty of Venezuelan people under the peerless leadership of Bolivarian government and the selfless dedication of President Maduro.


 Freedom will prevail! this is the powerful truth that people of Venezuela and President Maduro are presenting to the world gathered in Caracas.


In the world of today Venezuela has become a vibrant example of participatory democracy, prominent exertions for Latin America and global independence and respect for the statehood and national independence, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.


Caracas is playing host to a giant manifestation of vitality of democracy loving personalities all united under one cry destined to be heard worldwide: Freedom will prevail!


More PR resources about Romania-Venezuela bilateral relations can be found here:









September 13, 2017 Posted by | Africa, AMBASSADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION, Caracas, Diplomacy, Economy, Foreign policy, History, Hugo Chavez, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Leaders, Mass media, News, NICOLAS MADURO, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP, President Dr. Anton Caragea, PRESIDENT NICOLAS MADURO, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN, Romanian Foreign Policy, Socialism, SOVEREIGNTY AND BOLIVARIAN DEMOCRACY, WORLD CONFERENCE: WE ARE ALL VENEZUELA. DIALOG FOR PEACE | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


On 2015 December 1st, in order to mark the National Day of Romania, the exhibition: The History of Romanian Elections (1990-2016) was unveiled by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

Presedinte Anton Caragea deschide Expozitia de la Palatul Parlamentului

IRICE President General Director and Academician Mircea Constantinescu are unveiling the Exhibition dedicated to the History of Romanian Elections


The open exhibition is made more relevant by the fact that: in 2016 the Romanian electors will go to the ballot, in two crucial elections: for local administration and in the autumn 2016 for a new Parliament.

Anton Caragea-Exhibition for National Day of Romania

In this context: I found that an exhibition, dedicated to parliamentary elections, highlighting the role and significance of Parliament and parliamentarians in a democracy, and marking an assessment of the importance of Parliament based democracy is essential, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, IRICE President General Director, giving the starting signal for the exhibition.

Romania Alegeri 2016-Expozitie

The exhibition is hosted, only befitting to his purpose, in the temple of Romanian democracy: the Parliament building, underlined Professor Dr. Anton Caragea in the opening speech.


The initiative of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation to open a public exhibition on Romanian Election History, hosted in the Romanian Parliament will be the showcase of the prowess and capabilities of Parliament in a functional democracy.

December 1, 2015 Posted by | Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, Diplomacy, DISCOVER ROMANIA, Economy, Environment, Foreign policy, History, Human Rights Council, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Mass media, Politics, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Romanian Foreign Policy, Romanian Revolution, Universities | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


On 17 of August 2012 the taking office protocol and presentation meeting, between Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and H.E. Dato`Nik Mustafa Kamal Nik Ahmad, Ambassador of Malaysia in Romania had taken place.

Prof.dr.Anton Caragea express his heart felted  congratulation on the occasion of Malaysia appointing a new ambassador in Romania , appreciating that Malaysia could be an important economic and political partner of dialogue for Romania in Asia.

Opening the First Palm Oil Conference in Romania, preparing the visit of Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities and of Chairman of Malaysian Oil Council and marking 55 years of independence of Malaysia are all important moments in bilateral diplomatic calendar, appreciated professor dr.  Anton Caragea.

The Romania- Malaysia relationship has the ability to become an example of building an economic and cultural regular exchange area between Romania and South Asian region.

Now it is an auspicious moment for constructing with energy and commitment this dialogue and friendship between Romania and Malaysia, stated professor dr. Anton Caragea, as the level of bilateral expectations is great and the political and economic environment is favorable for this expansion of activities.

H.E. Dato`Nik Mustafa Kamal Nik Ahmad had expressed his appreciation for the encouragement`s offered by prof.dr.Anton Caragea and had stated that the vision of a economic, politic and cultural special relationship between Romanian and Malaysia is a common shared vision.

The dialogue had continued on concrete proposals of economic, political and cultural bilateral relations and on ways of fostering this dialogue on to the future.

The main topics had concentrated on increasing the bilateral trade volume and organizing the first ever Romanian-Malaysia Economic Forum in order to foster this economic connection.

Tabled at the meeting were also actions such as: expanding tourist connections and fully exploiting Malaysia special tourist potential and organizing information trip for Romanian press and tour operators interested in being present on Malaysia tourist market, re-launching the cultural exchanges and preparing events for marking 55 independence anniversary of Malaysia.

The friendly dialogue constitutes a promise for constructing a more robust romanian diplomatic presence towards Malaysia in the nearest future.

August 23, 2012 Posted by | Diplomacy, Economy, Foreign policy, History, Informations, International Relation, Leaders, Mass media, News, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


A delegation from the Parliament of Iraq visited Romania between 18 and 20 June 2012.

The Iraqi delegation, headed by Mr.  Mansour Abdulrazaq al Tameemi, representing the Commission for Regions and Governorships of Iraq Parliament held, on 19 June 2012, a meeting with professor dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania.

 Iraqi Parliament delegation, headed by Mr.  Mansour Abdulrazaq al Tameemi, representing the Commission for Regions and Governorships of Iraq Parliament  and professor dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania.

In the opening statement professor dr. Anton Caragea had express his optimism regarding democracy in Iraq, as the parliament is an essential part of the democratic process.

Welcoming in Romania a delegation of Iraqi parliament   is a sign that: the Parliament of Iraq is becoming more relevant and more important on international affairs arena, stated professor dr. Anton Caragea.

Also, professor dr. Anton Caragea had conveyed his warm welcome to such an impressive Iraqi parliamentary delegation, representing important provinces such as Basra, Kirkuk, Diwala and capital Baghdad.

On his turn, the Iraqi delegation highlighted the main evolutions of Iraq, the road for stabilization of the country and marked a clear desire to restore the traditional economic cooperation between Romania and Iraq.

 Concrete economic opportunities and projects for Romanian side had being presented at the meeting, as well as a frank evaluation of the realities of the two countries.

The Romanian-Iraqi dialogue held under the auspices of Iraq ambassador to Romania, H.E.  MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI was extremely important in results and the Iraq parliamentary delegation had expressed his appreciation for the amicable gesture by Romanian side in declaring Iraq ambassador as BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011.

At the meeting was present, at the invitation of Professor dr. Anton Caragea and the Deputy Catalin Nechifor on behalf of Budget, Finance and Banking Committee of Romanian Parliament.

June 25, 2012 Posted by | Diplomacy, Economy, Foreign policy, History, Informations, International Relation, Leaders, Mass media, News, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment