Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


The Summer Trip for Diplomats, a yearly event, hosted by The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania has taken place between 20-25 August 2016, in the framework of DISCOVER ROMANIA program.


PUFLENE RESORT -gazda diplomatilor-PUFLENE RESORT-diplomats house

PUFLENE RESORT Complex was the generous host of 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip

The DISCOVER ROMANIA program is aimed at giving an opportunity for diplomats posted in Romania to get acquainted with new areas of our country, to familiarize themselves with the rich customs and traditions of diverse regions of Romania and to also enjoy themselves in avfew days of active relaxation.

Diplomats preparing for Danube Delta tripAccordingly to the strict rules of the program, the invitation is a very sought after and distributed with parsimony , being invited only does diplomats who remark themselves during the year by cooperating closely with The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation.

This year our main destination and that of the ambassadors and their families, invited for the cruise, was Danube Delta, tell us Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the President Director General of The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and we have many reasons for our decision to select Danube Delta as our destination.

PUFLENE RESORT-vedere aeriana

The magic of Danube Delta and PUFLENE RESORT

 We have previously organized a similar discovery trip during 2011 and I was remembering, with pleasure, the enthusiasm that ambassadors put in the discovery of the area and we want also to place in our program new and new destinations of Danube Delta.

PUFLENE RESORT-zona de pescuit

The backwater channels of DANUBE DELTA


Another argument weight in was the opening of an extraordinary resort and hospitality complex in the area: PUFLENE RESORT.

This resort was to become the gravity center of our activities, to discover Danube Delta, and also our night base for a wonderful meal and recuperation after travel.

Sea of Water Lily

Water Lilly Sea in the center of DANUBE DELTA


The diplomats program was coined, with the help of PUFENE RESORT Director, Mr Mihai Puflene, a man in loved with the Danube and passionate about Danube Delta.

Ghidul Diplomatilor prin DeltaThe program encompassed, during day time, regular trips, that allowed diplomats to discover magnificent areas like: Murighiol Danube front, the lake Uzlina, the largest lake and a perfect fish reserve, the boats rolled also to the Lake Isac and Lake Isac 2, natural reserve of mangrove and typical vegetation, Litcov Channel and famous Crisan village, bedecked with traditional houses painted in blue and home to Russian minority in the Danube Delta.

Diplomats also enjoyed the trips to Sulina arm of Danube and finally, to the Letea Forest, UNESCO natural preserve, unique in the world.

The five days journey of discovery and travel where crowned also by relaxation time.

ECCE DELTA! Aceasta este DELTA

This is the magic of DANUBE DELTA as diplomats have seen it.

 Ambassadors took full advantage of this time enjoying the PUFLENE RESORT many facilities like gym, wading pool and massage therapy and most of all, indulge in the culinary creation of the master chef of the complex.

Stiuca umpluta _Stuffed pikeSalau cu Migdale-Perch with AlmondsSaramura de crap

Mr. Mihai Puflene carved out a culinary discovery menu, including the fish broth, carp brine and the incredible stuffed pike.

President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Mihai Puflene-Chairman of PUFLENE RESORT

Carving out the 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip Program(l-r): Mr. Mihai Puflene the Manager of PUFLENE RESORT complex and Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, IRICE President.

The diplomatic trip to Danube Delta was a new success of the DISCOVERY ROMANIA program, started in 2008 by The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and will be followed this autumn by a discovery trip to Moldavia, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.


The full photo journal of the 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: PRESIDENT OFFICE

The Journal of 2011 Ambassadors Visit to DANUBE DELTA is available here:

The Journals of previous visits to Moldavia can be observed here: Iasi and Bucovina

More about PUFLENE RESORT can be read out here:


September 3, 2016 Posted by | AMBASSADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, Danube Delta, Diplomacy, DIPLOMATIC WINE, Eastern Europe, Economy, Environment, History, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Mass media, News, Politics, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, PUFLENE RESORT, Romanian economy, Tourism, Travel, WINE TOURISM, World Tourism Day | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment