Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy

United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social development in the last 40 years , say`s H.E. Ambassador Yacoub Yousef AlHosani of United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social  development in the last 40 years declares H.E. Ambassador Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D, MA, FINS 

   Presedintele UAE – H.H. SHEIKH KHALIFA BIN ZAYED AL NAHYAN          



 United Arab Emirates are celebrating on 2 December the National Day and the 40 year anniversary. How is your Excellency explaining the amazing development of United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) in such a short period of time, United Arab Emirates are enjoying today one of the world highest and sophisticated life standards of living  and also enjoy a powerful economy and democratic society.

 How it was all possible in such a short time?

United Arab Emirates in there unification action, now 40 year old, have registered achievements that transformed the state and society in order to enter into XXI century with the capacity to face challenges and opportunities of this century and in the same time they wanted to offer a permanent stimulus for their citizens to have more capacity and achievements and to ensure to future generation a decent life and stability. Off course,  the United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social  development and we have being able to build a powerful institutional life, with an important degree of openness in society.

All this had characterized the development process and the spirit of tolerance , that prevail in every sector of society in U.A.E. Also we have important ingredients:  as a strong spiritual life that enrich the bases of our experience and put our country in a special place , not only in regional level, but also at world level. Indeed United Arab Emirates are undergoing from a long period of time  a process of new development that transformed us in a center for international trade and finance. Also we are living a new parliamentary experience in the true meaning of the word  , that completely correspond to national standard . On the other hand the success obtained at national level would not be possible without the wisdom of our foreign policy that facilitates reaching these goals.

  Transforming Emirates into an economic center of the world would not be possible to explain only by one decision , but as a result of long term plans and efforts. These efforts were not merely economic construction but included infrastructure, quality service, social development, including also human capital development by training and a legislative and judicial environment in accordance with our economic and social global development.

From here results that United  Arab Emirates positioning on world economy map is not temporary or based on an economic conjecture , but is the result of a continuous effort.  In this development process where involved many economic and financial institution that build on solid foundation   that  overcome the economic crisis that is confronting today the world economy.

What is today situation on United Arab Emirates and what are the future development plans for United Arab Emirates?

There is no question that U.A.E. have great achievements in the last time, but we are continuing the efforts for future development. From this reason the state is working constant in developing process so that we could face any regional or international fluctuation or event`s . Today we are at the beginning  of a new stage that will aloud our citizens to obtained all the necessary information’s and to have more power to integrate all the citizens in all the institution of the state ( cultural, mass media , economic, education ) in order to better contribute to our nation building . In this anniversary moment of 40 years from our National Foundation Day our hopes regarding our sate are limitless and our government aspiration for his citizens are also without limitation and we are aspiring for a bright future. We shell enter  a new era that reflects ambitious visions and careful planning for future generations under the wise leadership of His Highness President of State and his Vice-President that are fallowing on the footsteps of SHEIKH ZAYED bin SULTAN AL NAHAYAN , the founder and father of United Arab Emirates, Allah grant peace to his soul.

Your Excellency how you will describe the Romanian- Emirates relationship?

Our bilateral relations are old and full of diplomatic interactions on different levels. The diplomatic relations begin at 1.08.1989. Also the relations are substantiated by reciprocal high level visits in the last years that contributed to developing friendship and cooperation between our countries. United Arab Emirates are having a high development experience and a high appreciation on world economic organizations and this is making bilateral relations easier. Also because Romania is among European countries interested in regional relations in general and in relations with United Arab Emirates, in special this is important in developing relations in all fields, and in 2008 the total commercial exchange reached 522 million dollars. Doubling this amount in the last five years is by itself a clear indicator on the dynamic that characterized our bilateral relations.

Your Excellency what are your future plans in developing relations between Romania and United Arab Emirates on politic, economic and cultural level?

  United Arab Emirates by His Highness SHEIKH KHALIFA bin ZAYED AL NAHAYAN directives are programming to develop relations of friendship and mutual beneficial cooperation with Romania and is a shared desire to extend our cooperation prospective on the benefit of our two countries and we will concentrate on ways to consolidate our bilateral relations and ways to increase our exchanges in various fields of activity on the firm intention of satisfying reciprocal interest for the future. The most important is the Mix Ministerial Commission that contributes to development in bilateral cooperation in a practical and coherent way. I hope in the nearest future we will increase our cooperation in mutual benefit to serve our goals and ambition on economic development with a focus on tourism and investments.

What is your Excellency message for Romanian readers on the occasion of United Arab Emirates National Day?

 United Arab Emirates are an important actor on world economy stage and is world renamed for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership. On this occasion  I  invite our Romanian friends to visit United Arab Emirates and to observe the realizations achieved in this 40 year old road.


 United Arab Emirates enter a new era of  bright future declares H.E. Ambassador  Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D    

November 27, 2011 Posted by | Blackseanews Agency, Diplomacy, Ecology, Economy, Foreign policy, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Islam, Leaders, News, Politics, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Tourism, Travel, UNESCO Heritage List, United Arab Emirates, United Nations Global Compact, Universities | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


United Arab Emirates enter a new era of bright future” declares H.E. Ambassador Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D

VICE PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER AND RULER OF DUBAI – H.H. SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUMUnited Arab Emirates enter a new era of  bright future” declares H.E. Ambassador  Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.DPresedintele UAE – H.H. SHEIKH KHALIFA BIN ZAYED AL NAHYAN   



 United Arab Emirates are celebrating on 2 December the National Day and the 39 year anniversary. How is your Excellency explaining the amazing development of United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) in such a short period of time, United Arab Emirates are enjoying today one of the world highest and sophisticated life standards of living  and also enjoy a powerful economy and democratic society.

 How it was all possible in such a short time? 

United Arab Emirates in there unification action, now 38 year old, have registered achievements that transformed the state and society in order to enter into XXI century with the capacity to face challenges and opportunities of this century and in the same time they wanted to offer a permanent stimulus for their citizens to have more capacity and achievements and to ensure to future generation a decent life and stability. Off course,  the United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social  development and we have being able to build a powerful institutional life, with an important degree of openness in society. All this had characterized the development process and the spirit of tolerance , that prevail in every sector of society in U.A.E. Also we have important ingredients:  as a strong spiritual life that enrich the bases of our experience and put our country in a special place , not only in regional level, but also at world level. Indeed United Arab Emirates are undergoing from a long period of time  a process of new development that transformed us in a center for international trade and finance. Also we are living a new parliamentary experience in the true meaning of the word  , that completely correspond to national standard . On the other hand the success obtained at national level would not be possible without the wisdom of our foreign policy that facilitates reaching these goals.

  Transforming Emirates into an economic center of the world would not be possible to explain only by one decision , but as a result of long term plans and efforts. These efforts were not merely economic construction but included infrastructure, quality service, social development, including also human capital development by training and a legislative and judicial environment in accordance with our economic and social global development.

From here results that United  Arab Emirates positioning on world economy map is not temporary or based on an economic conjecture , but is the result of a continuous effort.  In this development process where involved many economic and financial institution that build on solid foundation   that  overcome the economic crisis that is confronting today the world economy. 

What is today situation on United Arab Emirates and what are the future development plans for United Arab Emirates? 

There is no question that U.A.E. have great achievements in the last time, but we are continuing the efforts for future development. From this reason the state is working constant in developing process so that we could face any regional or international fluctuation or event`s . Today we are at the beginning  of a new stage that will aloud our citizens to obtained all the necessary information’s and to have more power to integrate all the citizens in all the institution of the state ( cultural, mass media , economic, education ) in order to better contribute to our nation building . In this anniversary moment of 38 years from our National Foundation Day our hopes regarding our sate are limitless and our government aspiration for his citizens are also without limitation and we are aspiring for a bright future. We shell enter  a new era that reflects ambitious visions and careful planning for future generations under the wise leadership of His Highness President of State and his Vice-President that are fallowing on the footsteps of SHEIKH ZAYED bin SULTAN AL NAHAYAN , the founder and father of United Arab Emirates, Allah grant peace to his soul. 

Your Excellency how you will describe the Romanian- Emirates relationship? 

Our bilateral relations are old and full of diplomatic interactions on different levels. The diplomatic relations begin at 1.08.1989. Also the relations are substantiated by reciprocal high level visits in the last years that contributed to developing friendship and cooperation between our countries. United Arab Emirates are having a high development experience and a high appreciation on world economic organizations and this is making bilateral relations easier. Also because Romania is among European countries interested in regional relations in general and in relations with United Arab Emirates, in special this is important in developing relations in all fields, and in 2008 the total commercial exchange reached 522 million dollars. Doubling this amount in the last five years is by itself a clear indicator on the dynamic that characterized our bilateral relations.

Your Excellency what are your future plans in developing relations between Romania and United Arab Emirates on politic, economic and cultural level? 

  United Arab Emirates by His Highness SHEIKH KHALIFA bin ZAYED AL NAHAYAN directives are programming to develop relations of friendship and mutual beneficial cooperation with Romania and is a shared desire to extend our cooperation prospective on the benefit of our two countries and we will concentrate on ways to consolidate our bilateral relations and ways to increase our exchanges in various fields of activity on the firm intention of satisfying reciprocal interest for the future. The most important is the Mix Ministerial Commission that contributes to development in bilateral cooperation in a practical and coherent way. I hope in the nearest future we will increase our cooperation in mutual benefit to serve our goals and ambition on economic development with a focus on tourism and investments. 

What is your Excellency message for Romanian readers on the occasion of United Arab Emirates National Day?

 United Arab Emirates are an important actor on world economy stage and is world renamed for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership. On this occasion  I  invite our Romanian friends to visit United Arab Emirates and to observe the realizations achieved in this 39 year old road.        


The article United Arab Emirates enter a new era of  bright future declares H.E. Ambassador  Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D            

“Emiratele Arabe Unite intră într-o epocă strălucitoare a viitorului” declară Excelenţa Sa Ambasadorul Yacub Yousif Al Hosani în dialog cu Prof.dr.Anton Caragea

VICE PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER AND RULER OF DUBAI – H.H. SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUM“Emiratele Arabe Unite intră într-o epocă strălucitoare a viitorului” declară Excelenţa Sa Ambasadorul Yacub Yousif Al Hosani în dialog cu Prof.dr.Anton Presedintele UAE – H.H. SHEIKH KHALIFA BIN ZAYED AL NAHYANCaragea

Emiratele Arabe Unite sărbătoresc pe 2 decembrie Ziua Naţională şi cea de-a 39-a aniversare. După cum explică Excelenţa Sa, această dezvoltare uimitoare într-o perioadă scurtă este firească, Emiratele Arabe Unite se bucură astăzi de unul dintre cele mai înalte şi sofisticate standarde de viaţă dintre ţările lumii, cu o economie puternică şi o societate democratică.




Cum a fost posibil acest lucru într-o perioadă atât de scurtă?

Emiratele Arabe Unite, în demersul de unificare început acum 39 de ani, au înregistrat multe realizări care au putut transforma statul şi societatea, precum şi pe cetăţenii săi, pentru a intra în secolul XXI înarmaţi cu capacitatea de a face faţă provocărilor şi beneficiilor acestui secol. În acelaşi timp, au căutat permanent  să-şi stimuleze cetăţenii  pentru a obţine mai mult şi pentru a întări ceea ce s-a realizat, asigurând astfel generaţiilor viitoare o viaţă decentă şi stabilitate. Desigur, Emiratele Arabe Unite au parcurs un drum lung în ceea ce priveşte dezvoltarea economică şi socială,  însă noi am fost în măsură să construim o viaţă instituţională puternică, cu un grad mare de deschidere către societate. Aceste aspecte care au caracterizat procesul de dezvoltare, susţinute şi de spiritul de toleranţă, au prevalat în toate segmentele societăţii. De asemenea, ca ingredient important, puternica noastră viaţă spirituală ne-a fundamentat şi îmbogăţit experienţa, plasând ţara noastră pe un loc special, nu doar la nivel regional, ci şi la nivelul întregii lumi. Într-adevăr, Emiratele Arabe Unite trăiesc de mai mulţi ani un proces de dezvoltare nouă care a transformat E.A.U. într-un centrul financiar şi comercial internaţional. Pe lângă aceasta, trăim o experienţă parlamentară nouă, în adevăratul sens al cuvântului, care corespunde standardelor internaţionale. Pe de altă parte, succesele obţinute la nivel naţional nu ar fi fost posibile fără o politică externă înţelept promovată de stat, care a facilitat îndeplinirea obiectivelor.

            Transformarea Emiratelor într-un centru  economic global nu a fost posibilă doar prin luarea unei singure decizii, ci este rezultatul planificării pe termen lung şi a eforturilor depuse în mod susţinut. Aceste eforturi nu s-au limitat numai la simple construcţii economice, ci se regăsesc în infrastructură, în calitatea serviciilor, în dezvoltarea socială, incluzând aici şi dezvoltarea resurselor umane prin programe de formare continuă, în crearea unui mediu legislativ şi juridic în acord cu evoluţia economică şi socială atât la nivel naţional, cât şi global. De aici rezultă că poziţia Emiratelor Arabe Unite pe harta economică mondială nu este temporară sau conjuncturală, ci este rezultatul unor eforturi continue. În cadrul acestui proces de dezvoltare au fost antrenate multe instituţii economice şi financiare, care au construit o fundaţie solidă pentru a depăşi criza cu care se confruntă astăzi economia mondială.
Care este situaţia actuală din Emiratele Arabe Unite şi ce planuri de dezvoltare aveţi în viitor?

 Nu există nicio îndoială că E.A.U. au înregistrat mari realizări în ultima perioadă, însă noi ne continuăm eforturile, urmărind permanent să ne dezvoltăm. Statul sprijină constant acest proces de dezvoltare, astfel încât să poată gestiona optim fluctuaţiile regionale şi internaţionale sau orice alte evenimente.

Pentru că ne aflăm la începutul unei noi etape, suntem preocupaţi să asigurăm cetăţenilor noştri accesul la informaţiile necesare pentru a avea mai multă putere în demersul de angrenare a tuturor membrilor societăţii în toate instituţiile statului (culturale, de învăţământ,mass-media, economice etc.), contribuind astfel la construirea naţiunii noastre. În aceste momente, când aniversăm 38 de ani de la fondarea statului, speranţele pentru ţara noastră nu au limite; aspiraţiile guvernului nostru pentru cetăţenii săi, aşteptările noastre pentru un viitor mai luminos sunt, de asemenea, nelimitate. Vom intra într-o eră nouă, care reflectă viziunile ambiţioase şi grija faţă de generaţiile viitoare, sub conducerea înţeleaptă a Alteţei Sale Preşedintele Statului, şi a Vice-Preşedintelui, care păşesc pe urmele Sheikhului Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan, fondatorul şi tatăl Emiratelor Arabe Unite, Allah să-l odihnescă în pace.

 Excelenţa Voastră cum puteţi descrie relaţia dintre România şi Emiratele Arabe Unite?

 Istoria relaţiilor bilaterale este marcată de interacţiuni la diferite niveluri, care au debutat, în plan diplomatic, la 1.08.1989. Relaţiile sunt întărite de vizitele reciproce la nivel înalt efectuate în ultimii  ani, care au contribuit la dezvoltarea prieteniei şi aprofundarea cooperării între cele două ţări. Emiratele Arabe Unite beneficiază de o semnificativă experienţă de dezvoltare, dar şi de o înaltă apreciere venită din partea organizaţiilor economice internaţionale, ceea ce a facilitat relaţionarea dintre cele 2 ţări. Faptul că România este una dintre ţările europene interesate de relaţiile cu ţările din regiune, în general, şi cu Emiratele Arabe. Unite, în special, este importantă dezvoltarea relaţiilor în toate domeniile. De exemplu, în 2008 volumul schimburilor comerciale a ajuns la 522 de milioane de dolari. Dublarea volumului schimburilor comerciale în ultimii cinci ani este un indicator clar al dinamicii care caracterizează relaţiile dintre cele două ţări.

 Excelenţă, care sunt planurile dumneavoastră pentru dezvoltarea relaţiilor dintre România şi Emiratele Arabe Unite în domeniile politic, economic şi cultural?

 Emiratele Arabe Unite, prin directivele Alteţei Sale Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan, urmăresc să dezvolte relaţiile de prietenie şi cooperare fructuoasă cu România, împărtăşind dorinţa comună de a extinde perspectivele de cooperare în beneficiul celor două ţări. E.A.U. se vor concentra asupra căilor de consolidare a relaţiilor bilaterale, dar şi asupra modalităţilor de intensificare a schimburilor în diverse domenii de activitate, cu scopul clar exprimat, de satisfacere reciprocă a intereselor. Un rol important revine Comisiei Mixte Ministeriale, care oferă cadrul instituţional necesar dezvoltării cooperării bilaterale într-un mod practic şi coerent. Sper ca în perioada următoare să extindem cooperarea –  în beneficiul ambelor ţări – şi asupra altor domenii de activitate, precum turismul şi investiţiile.

 Care este mesajul Excelenţei Voastre pentru cititorii noştri, cu ocazia Zilei Naţionale a Emiratelor Arabe Unite?

 Ţara noastră a devenit un actor important pe scena economică mondială şi, totodată, este renumită şi pe harta turismului internaţional ca o destinaţie foarte apreciată, toate aceastea datorându-se conducerii noastre înţelepte. Cu această ocazie îi invit pe prietenii noştri români să viziteze Emiratele Arabe Unite şi să observe realizările obţinute în timpul celor de 39 ani.




Articolul ”Emiratele Arabe Unite intră într-o epocă strălucitoare a viitorului” declară Excelenţa Sa Ambasadorul Yacub Yousif Al Hosani în dialog cu Prof.dr.Anton Caragea  

December 2, 2010 Posted by | Foreign policy | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

United Arab Emirates enter a new era of bright future” declares H.E. Ambassador Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D

VICE PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTER AND RULER OF DUBAI – H.H. SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUMUnited Arab Emirates enter a new era of  bright future” declares H.E. Ambassador  Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.DPresedintele UAE – H.H. SHEIKH KHALIFA BIN ZAYED AL NAHYAN   



 United Arab Emirates are celebrating on 2 December the National Day and the 38 year anniversary. How is your Excellency explaining the amazing development of United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) in such a short period of time, United Arab Emirates are enjoying today one of the world highest and sophisticated life standards of living  and also enjoy a powerful economy and democratic society.

 How it was all possible in such a short time? 

United Arab Emirates in there unification action, now 38 year old, have registered achievements that transformed the state and society in order to enter into XXI century with the capacity to face challenges and opportunities of this century and in the same time they wanted to offer a permanent stimulus for their citizens to have more capacity and achievements and to ensure to future generation a decent life and stability. Off course,  the United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social  development and we have being able to build a powerful institutional life, with an important degree of openness in society. All this had characterized the development process and the spirit of tolerance , that prevail in every sector of society in U.A.E. Also we have important ingredients:  as a strong spiritual life that enrich the bases of our experience and put our country in a special place , not only in regional level, but also at world level. Indeed United Arab Emirates are undergoing from a long period of time  a process of new development that transformed us in a center for international trade and finance. Also we are living a new parliamentary experience in the true meaning of the word  , that completely correspond to national standard . On the other hand the success obtained at national level would not be possible without the wisdom of our foreign policy that facilitates reaching these goals.

  Transforming Emirates into an economic center of the world would not be possible to explain only by one decision , but as a result of long term plans and efforts. These efforts were not merely economic construction but included infrastructure, quality service, social development, including also human capital development by training and a legislative and judicial environment in accordance with our economic and social global development.

From here results that United  Arab Emirates positioning on world economy map is not temporary or based on an economic conjecture , but is the result of a continuous effort.  In this development process where involved many economic and financial institution that build on solid foundation   that  overcome the economic crisis that is confronting today the world economy. 

What is today situation on United Arab Emirates and what are the future development plans for United Arab Emirates? 

There is no question that U.A.E. have great achievements in the last time, but we are continuing the efforts for future development. From this reason the state is working constant in developing process so that we could face any regional or international fluctuation or event`s . Today we are at the beginning  of a new stage that will aloud our citizens to obtained all the necessary information’s and to have more power to integrate all the citizens in all the institution of the state ( cultural, mass media , economic, education ) in order to better contribute to our nation building . In this anniversary moment of 38 years from our National Foundation Day our hopes regarding our sate are limitless and our government aspiration for his citizens are also without limitation and we are aspiring for a bright future. We shell enter  a new era that reflects ambitious visions and careful planning for future generations under the wise leadership of His Highness President of State and his Vice-President that are fallowing on the footsteps of SHEIKH ZAYED bin SULTAN AL NAHAYAN , the founder and father of United Arab Emirates, Allah grant peace to his soul. 

Your Excellency how you will describe the Romanian- Emirates relationship? 

Our bilateral relations are old and full of diplomatic interactions on different levels. The diplomatic relations begin at 1.08.1989. Also the relations are substantiated by reciprocal high level visits in the last years that contributed to developing friendship and cooperation between our countries. United Arab Emirates are having a high development experience and a high appreciation on world economic organizations and this is making bilateral relations easier. Also because Romania is among European countries interested in regional relations in general and in relations with United Arab Emirates, in special this is important in developing relations in all fields, and in 2008 the total commercial exchange reached 522 million dollars. Doubling this amount in the last five years is by itself a clear indicator on the dynamic that characterized our bilateral relations.

Your Excellency what are your future plans in developing relations between Romania and United Arab Emirates on politic, economic and cultural level? 

  United Arab Emirates by His Highness SHEIKH KHALIFA bin ZAYED AL NAHAYAN directives are programming to develop relations of friendship and mutual beneficial cooperation with Romania and is a shared desire to extend our cooperation prospective on the benefit of our two countries and we will concentrate on ways to consolidate our bilateral relations and ways to increase our exchanges in various fields of activity on the firm intention of satisfying reciprocal interest for the future. The most important is the Mix Ministerial Commission that contributes to development in bilateral cooperation in a practical and coherent way. I hope in the nearest future we will increase our cooperation in mutual benefit to serve our goals and ambition on economic development with a focus on tourism and investments. 

What is your Excellency message for Romanian readers on the occasion of United Arab Emirates National Day?

 United Arab Emirates are an important actor on world economy stage and is world renamed for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership. On this occasion  I  invite our Romanian friends to visit United Arab Emirates and to observe the realizations achieved in this 38 year old road.        


The article United Arab Emirates enter a new era of  bright future declares H.E. Ambassador  Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D    was reprinted  after the November 2009 issue of Business Point the leading European Union publication for business and affairs, with over 1 milion readers in Romania and 200.000 readers in Europe.         


November 16, 2009 Posted by | Diplomacy, Eastern Europe, Ecology, Economy, Foreign policy, History, Informations, International Relation, Mass media, News, Politics, Religion, Tourism, Travel | , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment



  His Highness Khalifa_Bin_Zayed_Al_Nahyan  436px-Mohammed_Bin_Rashid_Al_Maktoum_at_the_World_Economic_Forum_Summit_on_the_Global_Agenda_2008_1                                                                                                                     












His Highness  Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum     His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

“Romania is praising the vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan”(Professor Anton Caragea PhD, international affairs expert)

United Arab Emirates are celebrating on 2 of December the 38 anniversary of the Independence Day, a day of special significance not only for the Emirates but for the entire area of Arabic Gulf and Middle East. In these 38 years of independence the progresses registered by the United Arab Emirates under the visionary leadership of late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan and after 2004 under the His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan where outstanding. United Arab Emirates build in the region a climate of peace, equilibrium and economic and political cooperation and obtained achievements praised internationally. For Romania the connection with United Arab Emirates is one of the most important in the area, Romania appreciates the United Arab Emirates commitment in helping nations worldwide to achieve development, also Romania is praising the vision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan in constructing a leadership role in a new stage of development for the UAE that will witness the empowerment of his nation and its emergence on the global scene as a major world player.

Also His Highness expressed the Government’s commitment to strengthen the private sector, encourage investment projects, and expand in industry, tourism, construction while protecting the environment.  For all this reasons Romania considers United Arab Emirates a privileged partner in the Gulf Area and a country that will lead into XXI century. As a sign of respect for the splendid achievements of United Arab Emirates in this 38 years from independence, practically Romania will celebrate for all month of November 2009 the National Anniversary of United Arab Emirates, a day that many Romanians are seeing as a day of a friendly country that is leading the way of development into XXI century and is considered in Romania as a long term strategic partner.

November 9, 2009 Posted by | Diplomacy, Eastern Europe, Economy, Foreign policy, History, Informations, International Relation, Leaders, Mass media, News, Politics, Tourism, Travel | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment