Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


In the period between 3 to 5 march 2015, a delegation of Kazakhstan Parliament composed of: Chairman Senator Serik Akylbai, Senator Bekturganov Serik and Deputy Tulesh Kenzhin, where invited by Parliament of Romania for an official visit to Romania.

Senator Marcel Bujor

Senator Marcel Dumitru Bujor-President of Committee for Romanians Abroad welcoming Kazakhstan Parliament delegation 


The visit has the role of continuing the strategic friendship relation between Romanian and Kazakhstan, to reassert the privileged relations between the two parliaments and to foster the parliamentary consultations.

On the occasion of the visit, the Kazakhstan delegation has the honor to be invited to host a special conference in the Parliament of Romania, an honor unmatched in the parliament history that is awarded only to the visiting Kazakhstan delegations.

Serik Akylbai, Daulet Batrashev, Bekturganov Serik, Tulesh Kenzhin

The Kazakhstan Parliamentary delegation is at the center of International Conference of ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE`S OF KAZAKHSTAN

On this time the Kazakhstan team had presented, in the framework of an international conference, details on the activity of ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN, a profoundly democratic institution, without peers in the world and an institution that is becoming a world model of universal value.

The Kazakhstan Parliament delegation was received by the leaders of the Parliament, by representatives of: Defense, Economy, Industry, Energy and Transport, International Relations, European Affairs, UNESCO Committees of Romanian Parliament, was invited for a special tour of the Parliament and where guest of honor to witness the work of the Parliament (a privilege reserved for State Presidents and leaders of foreign parliaments in visit).

Deputat Costel Alexe

Kazakhstan Parliament delegation is welcomed with full honors in the Parliament of Romania

A gala dinner was offered by the Romanian side in the welcoming of Kazakhstan delegation and the Romanian officials awarded medals to the members of Kazakhstan Parliament delegation .

The leaders of the Romanian senators Mr. Florin Constantinescu had stated that: the level of receiving the delegation from Kazakhstan was a presidential one, in order to give a signal for the importance of a special relation as the one between Romania and Kazakhstan.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation had appreciated that: today Kazakhstan is a world power Center, with a perfect democratic record, prosperous and a model for the world and a serious strategic and important diplomatic ally for our country.

Member of Chamber of Deputies -Costel Alexe, President of Romania-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Friendship Group confirmed that the bilateral relation is full of significance and in the latest five years had developed into a strategic alliance that is making Romania to be interested in supporting the further development of Kazakhstan, the major ally of our country.

Senator Marcel Bujor, President of Committee for International Relations and Romanians Abroad outlined the fact that Romanian is proud to salute in Kazakhstan the first state that solved perfectly and complete the minorities problem in the most democratic and inclusive manner.

In the final of the visit, the parliamentary delegation from Kazakhstan declared by the voice of Senator Serik Akylbai that it was impressed by the special hospitality, the Romanian leaders openness for a dialogue with Kazakhstan and specially moved by the feelings of love and respect for Kazakhstan and President Nursultan Nazarbayev displayed by the Romanian officials, all this are making that the relation between our country is a special one, concluded the Kazakhstan Parliament representatives.


March 7, 2015 Posted by | Blackseanews Agency, BUJOR DUMITRU MARCEL, Diplomacy, Economy, Foreign policy, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, IONEL AGRIGOROAEI, Islam, Kazakhstan, Leaders, Mass media, News, Nursultan Nazarbayev, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, SENATOR FLORIN CONSTANTINESCU, UNESCO Heritage List, United Nations Global Compact | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment