Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation (IRICE) welcomes the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reiterates its commitment to work towards the implementation of the Goals.

Romania has adopted, on 25 September 2015, the action plan for the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals, alongside other 192 other countries during United Nations General Assembly.

Sustainable Development Goals

17 main points on the Agenda of Sustainable Development Goal`s are promising abetter world for us all!

The new the Sustainable Development Goals come in continuation of the formerly known of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in the effort to steer the world in the directions of economic development, environmental protection, and human values respect.

The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation has cooperated in the completion of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and is in acquiescence with the newly established Sustainable Development Goals, announces IRICE-President Director General (PDG) Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

IRICE has contributed with significant global reach, and can make an important contribution to the achievement of the SDGs, particularly in the areas of job creation, sustainable consumption and production and the preservation of natural resources.

“Issues such as combating Romanian economic crisis and its crippling effects, address climate change, and especially poverty reduction and inclusive growth need to be at the center of Romanian development. Now that the Goals have been approved, it is time to step up our action, time to advance policies and business strategies that minimize the negative effects of Romanian economic crisis” said IRICE PDG, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

 President Anton Caragea

IRICE-President Director General (PDG) Professor Dr. Anton Caragea signs the  Development Goals Engagement 

The SDGs are carved as a universal 17-goal agenda and action plan for people, the planet and prosperity for all countries and require all stakeholders to act in collaborative partnerships.

The SDGs were approved by the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, on 25 September 2015.

October 4, 2015 Posted by | Africa, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, Diplomacy, Ecology, Economy, Environment, Foreign policy, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Mass media, News, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Orient, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Politics, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Romanian Revolution, Socialism, Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Global Compact, Universities, World Social Forum | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments