Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


The Annual Summer Trip for Diplomats, a yearly event for the diplomats that remarked themselves for promoting the bilateral cooperation in the framework of  The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania activities has taken place between 15 to 18 August 2017, in the lines of DISCOVER ROMANIA diplomatic program.

The main axis of the discovery trip was provided by the PUFLENE RESORT, the most celebrated, acclaimed and elegant hotel in the area of Dobrogea and Danube delta.


The cruise has started in the Islamic center of  Dobrogea, the city of Babadag and his famous landmark the SAR SALTUK BABA mosque and cultural complex.



This year diplomatic discovery trip was centered on cultural and historical legacy to be found in the magic land of Dobrogea.

The route of discovery has led the participants along a history charged path from Babadag, a center of Islamic learning in the XIII to XVIII centuries, to Halmyris citadel, a Greek-Roman fortification towards the Enisala fortress, a medieval art monument and center of trade and Italian architecture and Argumum a celtic and greek citadel that towered of the Black Sea region for centuries.

Christianity most revered burial sites in this part of the world: the basilica of saints Epictet and Astion was also included on the list.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, IRICE President at the helm of the cruise ship that lead diplomats and their families in the uncharted waters of Danube Delta.


PUFLENE RESORT-vedere aeriana

PUFLENE RESORT Complex was the generous host of 2017 Summer Diplomatic Trip

The Danube Delta cruise was carved to unveil the secret trails of the old river, the starting point was at Murighiol port-Saint George channel – Uzlina Lake and Channel- Isac Lake – Letea submerged forest and return via Uzlina and Sulina waterways.

The DISCOVER ROMANIA program is aimed at giving an opportunity for diplomats posted in Romania to get acquainted with new areas of our country, to familiarize themselves with the rich customs and traditions of diverse regions of Romania and to also enjoy themselves in a few days of active relaxation.

Accordingly to the strict rules of the program, the invitation is a very sought after and distributed with parsimony , being invited only does diplomats who remark themselves during the year by cooperating closely with The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation.

This year our main destination and that of the ambassadors and their families, invited for the cruise, was Danube Delta, tell us Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the President Director General of The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and we have many reasons for our decision to select Danube Delta as our destination.

PUFLENE RESORT-vedere aeriana

The magic of Danube Delta and PUFLENE RESORT

We have previously organized a similar discovery trip during 2011 and more recently in 2016 and I was remembering, with pleasure, the enthusiasm that ambassadors put in the discovery of the area and we want also to place in our program new and new destinations of Danube Delta.

To add to this arguments was the recent July 2017 economic promotion tour of Dobrogea that our institution had organized and was crowned with an impressive success and echo in the economic environment and we wanted to build on this success and complete the image of Dobrogea not only as a center of economic activity but also as an instrumental part of cultural and historical legacy of today`s Romania announced IRICE President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

Murighiol Cathedral dedicated to Saints and Martyrs: Epictet and Astion.


Another argument weight in was the opening of an extraordinary resort and hospitality complex in the area: PUFLENE RESORT.

This resort was to become the gravity center of our activities, to discover Danube Delta, and also our night base for a wonderful meal and recuperation after travel.

Argamum citadel: the main center of trade and culture in the Black Sea region until V century AC.


The diplomats program was coined, with the help of PUFENE RESORT Director, Mr Mihai Puflene, a man in loved with the Danube and passionate about Danube Delta.

Ghidul Diplomatilor prin DeltaThe program encompassed, during day time, regular trips, that allowed diplomats to discover magnificent areas like: Murighiol Danube front, the lake Uzlina, the largest lake and a perfect fish reserve, the boats rolled also to the Lake Isac and Lake Isac 2, natural reserve of mangrove and typical vegetation, Litcov Channel and famous Crisan village, bedecked with traditional houses painted in blue and home to Russian minority in the Danube Delta.

Diplomats also enjoyed the trips to Sulina arm of Danube and finally, to the Letea Forest, UNESCO natural preserve, unique in the world.


The centers of culture and history of Argamum and Halmyris (Murighiol) had proven the continuity and the resilience of Romanian`s in this region and elicited surprise to the diplomats which learned about Dobrogea history in the late antiquity.

The religious centers dedicated to Islamic scholars in Babadag and the world-famous basilica of Murighiol dedicated to the first martyrs of christian faith moved the diplomats and charged them with spirituality.

 Enisala fortress (general view) controlled in the medieval times the trade along Black Sea region and the Genovese sailors used it as a center of commerce and discovery (XII century).

    Halmyris -Murighiol: a Greek and Roman citadel and fortification and the heart of Early Latin Christianity.



The four days journey of discovery and travel where crowned also by relaxation time.

 Ambassadors took full advantage of this time enjoying the PUFLENE RESORT many facilities like gym, wading pool and massage therapy and most of all, indulge in the culinary creation of the master chef of the complex.

The imperial recipes of old day`s are alive and well under the care of PUFLENE RESORT famous chefs.

For diplomats the stuffed pike was recreated. 


Mr. Mihai Puflene carved out a culinary discovery menu, including the fish broth, carp brine and the incredible stuffed pike.


Mr. Mihai Puflene the Manager of PUFLENE RESORT complex receives the OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC PARTNER OF IRICE status from Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, IRICE President, in recognition of the perfect care and professionalism in managing diplomat`s trips.


The diplomatic trip to Danube Delta was a new success of the DISCOVERY ROMANIA program, started in 2008 by The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and will be followed this autumn by a discovery trip to Bucovina (December 2017), stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.


The full photo journal of the 2017 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: IRICE PRESIDENT OFFICE

The full photo journal of the 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: PRESIDENT OFFICE

The Journal of 2011 Ambassadors Visit to DANUBE DELTA is available here:

The Journals of previous visits to Moldavia can be observed here: Iasi and Bucovina

More about PUFLENE RESORT can be read out here:

August 20, 2017 Posted by | AMBASSADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, Danube Delta, Diplomacy, DISCOVER ROMANIA, Ecology, Foreign policy, History, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, INSTITUTO DE RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Y COOPERACIÓN ECONÓMICA, International Relation, Islam, Leaders, News, Orient, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Dr. Anton Caragea, PUFLENE RESORT, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Saints life, Tourism, Travel, UNESCO Heritage List, World Tourism Day | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments


Excursia anuala de vara, pentru diplomatii care s-au evidentiat prin activitatea lor in Romania, a avut loc in perioada 15-18 august 2017 in organizarea Institutului de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica (IRICE) si a vizat descoperirea de catre diplomati a zonei Deltei Dunarii si a Dobrogei.


Centrul de greutate al calatoriei a fost zona Murighiol si centrul de odihna si relaxare PUFLENE RESORT, cel mai elegant complex hotelier din Delta si zona Dobrogei.


Calatoria a inceput la complexul SARI SALTUK BABA din Babadag.


Calatoria diplomatilor a vizat un traseu predominant cultural si istoric.

Pe ruta de descoperire a Dobrogei a figurat orasul Babadag, centru islamic vestit in secolele XIV-XVIII, cetatea greco-romana de la Halmyris (Murighiol), cetatea genoveza, monument de arta medievala de la Enisala, cetatea greco-celtica de la Argamum – Jurilovca), basilica Sf. Martiri Epictet si Astion de la Murighiol etc.


Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea, Presedintele IRICE la comanda navei de croziera pe Dunare, alaturi de familiile diplomatilor invitati.


Calatoria pe Dunare, facuta la bordul navei de voiaj PUFLENE RESORT a mers pe traseul: Murighiol-Canalul Sf. Gheorghe-Uzlina, Isac, Sulina, Letea si retur pe canalul Uzlina.

PUFLENE RESORT-vedere aeriana

COMPLEXUL PUFLENE RESORT: centrul calatoriei diplomatice in inima Deltei.

Programul Descopera Romania este directionat pentru a permite diplomatilor acreditati in Romania sa cunoasca noi si noi zone ale tarii noastre, sa se familiarizeze cu traditiile si bogatele obiceiuri ale diverselor regiuni ale Romaniei si de ce nu, sa se bucure de cateva zile de odihna activa.

Invitatiile pentru acest program sunt extrem de cautate si sunt acceptati in aceasta calatorie de descoperire, conform unei reguli stricte, doar acei diplomati care s-au evidentiat prin activitatile lor de cooperare cu tara noastra, desfasurate impreuna cu Institutul de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica.

In acest an tinta calatoriei noastre, ce i-a reunit pe ambasadori si familiile lor, a fost Dobrogea si Delta Dunarii, ne-a declarat Prof.Dr. Anton Caragea, Presedintele Director General al Institutului de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica si motivele acestei alegeri au fost multiple.

Mai organizasem o astfel de deplasare in 2011 si 2016 si tineam minte entuziasmul cu care ambasadorii descoperisera zona si vroiam sa introducem in program noi si noi destinatii din Delta.


Apoi in luna iulie 2017 tocmai prezentasem potentialul economic extraordinar al Dobrogei pentru diplomatii straini si am decis ca aprofundarea acestui traseu este necesara pentru a vedea obiectivele istorice ale zonei si pentru a descoperi rolul culturii dobrogene in istoria Romaniei de astazi.


Catedrala din Murighiol dedicata Sf. Martiri Epictet si Astion.


In plus Delta Dunarii s-a dezvoltat enorm in ultimii ani si acum aveam extraordinarul complex de odihna PUFLENE RESORT, care sa fie centrul activitatilor noastre de decoperire si in acelasi timp baza noastra pentru noapte, pentru o masa buna si pentru recuperare.


Cetatea Argamum, un antic centru de cultura si comert.


Programul diplomatilor a fost facut in acest an, cu ajutorul Directorului General al PUFLENE RESORT, dl Mihai Puflene, un extraordinar cunoscator al Deltei si mai ales un iubitor al ei.

Ghidul Diplomatilor prin Delta

Programul a cuprins plimbari cu barca si salupa in zone splendide precum: Murighiol, lacul Uzlina (cel mai mare lac din zona) Lacurile Isac 1 si Isac 2, zone ale rezervatiei de mangrove, unice in Europa, Canalul Litcov si opriri in vestitul sat cu case albastre si centru al rusilor lipoveni din zona: Crisan.

Diplomatii sau bucurat si de excursii pe bratul Sulina, pana la intalnirea cu Marea Neagra, si mai ales au fost impresionati de vizionarea Padurii Letea, monument natural UNESCO.

Au starnit uimire pentru diplomati magnificele vestigii ale cetatilor Halmyris si Argamum, proba a vechimii si continuitatii neamului romanesc din Dobrogea, iar monumentele islamice de la Babadag si cele crestine de la Murighiol au uimit prin incarcatura spirituala.

Cele patru zile de calatorii si descoperiri au mai fost incununate si de odihna activa, ocazie cu care diplomatii sau bucurat de facilitatile complexului PUFLENE precum: piscina olimpica, sala de gimnastica si masaj si mai ales de specialitatile culinare ale zonei, toate selectate tot de specialistul programului: dl. Mihai Puflene.

Cetatea Enisala: centru de arta medievala construit de navigatorii genovezi in sec. XIII.

Cetatea Halmyris (Murighiol): cetate greco-romana si unul din principalele centre crestine timpurii ale Imperiului Roman.


Intre bunatatile recomandate pentru a ilustra culinar Delta putem enumera: storceagul de sturion, ciorba de peste, saramura de crap si incredibila scrumbie umpluta.

Un fel de mancare imperial: Stiuca umpluta, unul din produsele culinare vestite de la PUFLENE RESORT.


Calatoria diplomatilor in Delta a fost un nou success al programului DESCOPERA ROMANIA, pornit in 2008 de Institutul de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica si va fi urmata de o noua calatorie in aceasta iarna (decembrie 2017) vizand descoperirea Bucovinei, a declarat Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea.


Mihai Puflene-Director General PUFLENE RESORT primeste DIPLOMA DE PARTENER DIPLOMATIC pentru grija deosebita aratata diplomatilor acreditati in Romania din partea E.S. Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea-Presedintele IRICE.


Albumul foto al calatoriei din vara 2017 poate fi accesat aici: CABINET PRESEDINTE IRICE

Albumul foto al calatoriei din vara 2016 poate fi accesat aici: CABINET PRESEDINTE

 Calatoria din 2011, in Delta Dunarii, poate fi redescoperita aici:

 Calatoriile in Moldova pot fi redescoperite aici: Bucovina si Iasi

 Mai multe detalii despre COMPLEXUL HOTELIER PUFLENE puteti gasi aici

August 20, 2017 Posted by | AMBASADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, BEST ROMANIAN HOTEL, Blackseanews Agency, CEL MAI BUN HOTEL, DOBROGEA TURISM, Economia Romaniei, Educatie, Foreign policy, Institutul de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica, Istorie, Mass media, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Politica externa a Romaniei, Presedintele Director General al Institutului de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica, PUFLENE RESORT, Turism, Turism Vitivinicol, ZIUA MONDIALA A TURISMULUI 2015 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments