Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


On 27 October 2014, the taking office protocol meeting, between Prof.Dr.Anton Caragea, President Director-General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and H.E. Daulet Batrashev, Ambassador of Republic of Kazakhstan, had taken place.

Ambassador Daulet Batrashev-Prof.dr.Anton Caragea

Prof.Dr.Anton Caragea, President Director-General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and H.E. Daulet Batrashev, Ambassador of Republic of Kazakhstan.


In the beginning of the meeting Prof.Dr.Anton Caragea express his heartily congratulation, on the occasion of beginning of mandate of H.E. Daulet Batrashev, as the first Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Romania, a nomination that constitutes an  unmistakable sign of a successful strategic relation.

In his speech Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had appreciated that between Romania and Kazakhstan we are witnessing a large area of common interests such as: a strong and stable economic relation, that is making Kazakhstan the second strategic foreign investor in Romanian economy, an open, sustained and substantial political dialogue and a common sentiment of brotherhood. All this are elements that could serve as a bridge of good understanding between the two nations.

The Romania- Kazakhstan strategic friendship must be an example of constructing strong relations between Romania and Central Asia.

In the last decade, the bilateral dialogue with Kazakhstan was exceptional in amplitude, seriousness and efficacy and this bilateral long term commitment it  constitute an obligation for both of the countries to continue building this framework of dialogue and friendship.

H.E. Daulet Batrashev had expressed his appreciation for the encouragement`s offered by Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea and had stated that the vision of an economic, politic and cultural special relationship, between Romanian and Kazakhstan, is a mutual shared vision.

The bilateral agreements and initiatives, the support offered by Romania to the outstanding Kazakhstan Presidency of O.S.C.E. (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the Romanian vote in favor of Astana hosting World Expo 2017 and the grandiose celebration of the 20 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, are all perfect landmarks of this special relationship, appreciated H.E. Daulet Batrashev.

The dialogue had continued on concrete aspects and analyses of economic, political and cultural bilateral relations and on ways of fostering and enriching this dialogue on to the future.

Concrete fallow-up actions where established as: creating a special press file dedicated to the National Day of Kazakhstan, broadcasting special documentaries about important personalities of historical significance for Kazakhstan, expanding cultural and educational cooperation, receiving an important parliamentarian delegation and fostering the dialogue in the diplomatic sphere.

An important item on the agenda was establishing a special conference to mark the 550 years of statehood of Kazakhstan, an important landmark for modern Kazakhstan and the parties agreed on a calendar of events destined to transform 2015 in the KAZAKHSTAN CELEBRATION YEAR IN ROMANIA.

The dialogue led the foundations of a successful diplomatic mandate and offered the solutions necessary to foster and develop the friendly relations between Romania and Kazakhstan and constitutes a promise to continue a successful direction on Romanian diplomatic action.

November 2, 2014 Posted by | Astana, Blackseanews Agency, Diplomacy, Eastern Europe, Ecology, Economy, History, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Kazakhstan, Leaders, Mass media, News, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Oriental Art, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Politics, Religion, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Tourism, WORLD EXPO 2017 | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment