Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


On 25 august 2011 , in the framework of Romanian delegation visit in Tajikistan , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , Director of  Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania and his delegation where received by H. E. President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan.

Joint Press Conference between President of Tajikistan – H.E. Emomali Rahmon and Professor Dr Anton Caragea , IRICE Director


On this opportunity President of Tajikistan had made for Romanian delegation a presentation of the situation in his country including : construction of a line of impressive hydro-energy power plant  that will insure full energy independence for Tajikistan in the next three years and also will make Tajikistan the supplier of clean energy for the region , constructing high voltage line for energy exports toward Pakistan and Afghanistan , infrastructure projects , tourism and transport modernizations , reforestation programs .

In all this fields there are important bilateral cooperation opportunities for Romanian expertise to be present, had appreciated President Emomali Rahmon.

Dialogue between H.E. President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan and Professor Dr. Anton Caragea


Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania had underline in his replay that developing a bilateral fruitful relationship, based on mutual respect and understanding   is welcomed by Romanian side and the presence of a high level Romanian delegation, vast and complex, shows the commitment of our part in fostering the relations with Tajikistan.

Tajikistan had overcome the horrors of civil wars, had succeeded to avoid the dramatic faith of Afghanistan and build a society of equilibrium, with a social market economy, offering to all the path of development.  The vast plans, announced by President of Tajikistan, are a living proof of the right track of the country and we are appreciative for the expressed desire that Romania will be a gate for Tajikistan in Europe.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea receives welcoming flowers from H.E. Emomali Rahmon -President of Tajikistan 


The dialogue had continued for an hour and a half, far more that the 30 minutes initially dedicated and after Romanian delegation had being invited to inaugurate the world tallest flag and then at on official banquet on the side of President Emomali Rahmon.

August 31, 2011 Posted by | Blackseanews Agency, Danube Delta, Diplomacy, Diplomatie, Eastern Europe, Ecology, Economia Romaniei, Economy, Educatie, Emomali Rahmon, Environment, European Council on International Relations, Foreign policy, History, Human Rights Council, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, Institutul de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica, International Relation, Islam, Leaders, Mass media, News, Open Letter, Orient, Oriental Art, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Piata imobiliara, Relatii Internationale, Religion, Romanian economy, Romanian Foreign Policy, Tajikistan, Tourism, Travel, Turism, UNESCO Heritage List, United Nations Global Compact, Universitati, Universities, Viticola Corcova, World Social Forum | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on DIALOGUE BETWEEN PRESIDENT EMOMALI RAHMON AND PROFESSOR DR. ANTON CARAGEA