Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


On March 3rd 2015, The Parliament of Romania hosted the international conference: ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN-A UNIVERSAL DEMOCRATIC MODEL.


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The academic conference was subscribed to the traditional strategic friendship that is uniting Romania and Kazakhstan and was destined to highlight to Romanian and international audience the fundamental role of an institution unique in the world and reflecting Kazakhstan specificity: ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN.

This institution of paramount importance was established in 1995, according to a decision of President Nursultan Nazarbayev and has the role of allowing all national, cultural and religious minorities on the territory of Kazakhstan to partake together with the Kazakh majority in building a society model, in selecting cultural politics and in building an open and inclusive society integrating all citizens.

Today after 20 years of activity, the ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN had become a model for all the states of the world, a model of resolving minority’s problems and democratic people’s involvement.

Serik Akylbai, Daulet Batrashev, Bekturganov Serik, Tulesh Kenzhin

The delegation from Kazakhstan ( from left to right):President Serik Akylbai, H.E. Ambassador of Kazakhstan-Daulet Batrashev, senator Serik Bekturganov and deputy Tulesh Kenzhin-caption during the conference works 


In the framework of the conference, hosted by Romanian Parliament, the leadership of the parliament had outlined messages of support for the Romanian-Kazakhstan relations, for the profusely democratic character of ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN and messages of admiration for the national and democratic construction achieved by the exertions of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Costel Alexe, Marcel Bujor, Florin Constantinescu

Amongst the key speakers of the International Conference (from left to right):Chamber of Deputies member Costel Alexe-President of Romania-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Friendship Group, President of Committee for Romanians Abroad-senator Marcel Dumitru Bujor and senator Florin Constantinescu-President of Energy Committee and Leader of the Senate

Together with the leaders of the Parliament, on the venue of the conference where present also 23 diplomatic representatives headed by the leader of diplomatic activity of diplomatic corps-Iraq Ambassador Omer Berzinji and presented reports for the conference personalities such as: Senate Leader-Florin Constantinescu-Chairman of the Energy, Industry and Transport Committee of the Parliament, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President General Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania, Senator Marcel Dumitru Bujor-President of the Committee for Romanians Abroad and International Relations, Deputy Costel Alexe-Chairman of the Romania-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Friendship Group, UNESCO Committee-Senator Constantin Popa, senators Ionel Agrigoroaei and Senator Ciprian Rogojan from Defence Committee and European Affairs Committee.

Ionel Agrigoroaei, Ciprian Rogojan, Constantin Popa

Other key note speakers of the International Conference: leader of the Defense Committee-senator Ionel Agrigoroaei, leader of European Affairs Committee-Ciprian Rogojan and UNESCO Committee leader-senator Dumitru Constantin Popa

The Conference dedicated to the role of parliament and the presentation of ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN had also benefited from the presence of a consistent delegation from Kazakhstan Parliament lead by Senators Serik Akylbai, Bekturganov Serik and deputy Tulesh Kenzhin who outlined for the attendees the mechanism and the signification of a unique institution in the world: ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE’S OF KAZAKHSTAN.

Concluding the conference, the Kazakhstan parliamentary group received the special MEDAL OF HONOUR OF THE ROMANIAN PARLIAMENT in sigh of lofty appreciation of the importance of the inter-parliamentary relations between Romania and Kazakhstan.

The Conference of Romanian parliament has attracted representatives from 23 countries. We address  all our gratitude for their attendence that was  a sign of respect towards the institution of Parliament, a perfect  way to show commitment to Romanian foreign policy and a diplomatic way to present appreciation to Kazakhstan delegation.

Your presence was noted as a perfect fulfillment of your mission as a friend of Romania.



From left to right: Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President Director General-IRICE, H.E. Ambassador of Macedonia-Pande Lazarevski,  Senator Ciprian Rogojan, H.E. Ambassador of Iraq-Omer Berzinji-BEST AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA 2013, Senator Serik Bekturganov, H.E. Ambassador of Venezuela-Victor Carazo, Senator Serik Akylbai, H.E. Ambassador of Kazakhstan-Daulet Batrashev, deputy Tulesh Kenzhin , Academician Mircea Constantinescu, H.E. Ambassador of  Republic of Korea- Park Hyo-Sung, senator Florin Constantinescu-President of Energy Committee and Leader of the Senate, President of Committee for Romanians Abroad-senator Marcel Dumitru Bujor, representative of Russian Federation Embassy 



From left to right: Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-Dr.Mohammad Al HomoudH.E. Ambassador of  Armenia- Hamlet Gasparian, H.E. Ambassador of Georgia-Ilia Giorgadze, Embassy of Palestine representative, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President Director General-IRICEsenator Florin Constantinescu-President of Energy Committee and Leader of the Senate, H.E. Ambassador of Malaysia-Dato Nik Mustafa Kamal Nik AHMAD, Taiba Foundation representative-Dr. Abu Al Oula Al Ghithy


From left to right: Academician Mircea Constantinescu, Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia-Dr.Mohammad Al Homoud, H.E. Ambassador of Russian Federation-Oleg Malghinov,  H.E. Ambassador of  Armenia- Hamlet Gasparian, H.E. Ambassador of Georgia-Ilia Giorgadze, Embassy of Palestine representative, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President Director General-IRICE , H.E. Ambassador of  Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan-Saker Malkawi, senator Florin Constantinescu-President of Energy Committee and Leader of the Senate, H.E. Ambassador of Malaysia-Dato Nik Mustafa Kamal Nik AHMAD, Taiba Foundation representative-Dr. Abu Al Oula Al Ghithy



From left to right: Chamber of Deputies member Costel Alexe-President of Romania-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Friendship GroupH.E. Ambassador of  Republic of Vietnam-TRAN Xuan Thuy, General Saman Assi Wahhab Al-Talabani, H.E. Ambassador of Venezuela-Victor Carazo, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President Director General-IRICE, senator Florin Constantinescu-President of Energy Committee and Leader of the SenateH.E. Ambassador of Iraq-Omer Berzinji-BEST AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA 2013, Academician Mircea Constantinescu, Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei, Senator Ciprian Rogojan, Senator Constantin Popa, senator Marcel Dumitru Bujor


Iraq Ambassador Omer Berzinji

H.E. Ambassador of Iraq-Omer Berzinji-BEST AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA 2013 is offering a precious object of  Iraqi art to the leader of Kazakhstan delegation – Senator Serik Akylbai


Korea Ambassador

H.E. Ambassador of  Republic of Korea- Park Hyo-Sung in dialogue with President Serik Akylbai-Kazakhstan and Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President Director General-IRICE and deputy Tulesh Kenzhin-Kazakhstan


H.E. Ambassador of Kazakhstan-Daulet Batrashev together with H.E. Ambassador of  Turkmenistan-Sokrat Jumayev together with Senator Serik Akylbai din Kazakhstan and H.E. Ambassador of Macedonia-Pande Lazarevski



From left to right:H.E. Ambassador of Venezuela-Victor Carazo, representative of Russian Federation Embassy, H.E. Ambassador of Macedonia-Pande Lazarevski, Embassy of Hungary representative,  H.E. Ambassador of  Turkmenistan-Sokrat Jumayev, H.E. Ambassador of  Republic of Vietnam-TRAN Xuan Thuy

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAShearing a moment of laughter.

From left to right: Chamber of Deputies member Costel Alexe-President of Romania-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Friendship Group, H.E. Ambassador of  Republic of Vietnam-TRAN Xuan Thuy, General Saman Assi Wahhab Al-Talabani, H.E. Ambassador of Venezuela-Victor Carazo, Prof.Dr. Anton Caragea-President General Director -IRICE, Senate Leader- Senator Florin Constantinescu, H.E. Ambassador of Iraq-Omer Berzinji-BEST AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA 2013/2014, Academician Mircea Constantinescu 


March 8, 2015 Posted by | Astana, BEST AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA IN 2013, Blackseanews Agency, BUJOR DUMITRU MARCEL, Diplomacy, Eastern Europe, Economy, Environment, European Council on International Relations, Foreign policy, Information on Korea, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, IONEL AGRIGOROAEI, Iraq, Islam, Kazakhstan, Korea, Leaders, Mass media, News, Nursultan Nazarbayev, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Palestine, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Romanian Foreign Policy, SENATOR FLORIN CONSTANTINESCU, Turkmenistan, Venezuela | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments