Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


The world cultural institution: European Council on Tourism and Trade, had started to officially register the countries and cities candidatures for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION  for countries and  WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM for cities desirous to become international hubs for tourism.

 The ECTT Awards for tourism and cultural achievements are the annual celebration that awards the best in tourism industry crowning, since 2006, the countries and nations excellence and investment in the tourism sector, putting under the world limelight the exceptional leadership and nation prowess, in the framework of WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD, and the category of FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION and marking out outstanding cultural and investment tourism projects.


The ceremony started with the unveiling of the logo for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD IN 2017

Starting their creation from 2006, the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) Awards have recognised nations and people’s strides for their innovative and determined tourism initiatives.

The contribution of the nations and leaders receiving world tourism and travel prizes is in line with ECTT guidelines for World Capital of Culture and Tourism and World Best Tourist Destination Award.


On the same occasion, the unveiling of the logo for WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM IN 2017 had taken place.

For the tenth consecutive time, the ECTT-European Council on Tourism and Trade Awards will recognize the tourism potentials of the most attractive tourist and cultural destinations.


Diplomatic corps accredited to European Council on Tourism and Trade and foreign delegations attending the opening ceremony for 2017 WORLD TOURISM AWARDS.


President – Professor Dr. Anton Caragea participated in the opening ceremony for World Tourism Awards for 2017.

President Dr. Anton Caragea and European Council on Tourism and Trade President Office staff had given the starting signal for what is internationally known as Nobel`s or Oscar`s of tourism: the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM competitions.

This event has taken place on January 2, 2016 and has marked the opening of the international contests for WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION AWARD and WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM for 2017.

Held under the patronage of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, the World Best Tourist Destination – Tourism Festival is an element of novelty in the world cultural space, consisting in a series of projects meant to promote the cultural diversity of the countries that outlined candidatures to World Best Tourist Destination, under the “Open Your Culture to The World” slogan.


Arab Embassies are highlighting the Coffee, tea and sweets as  national treasures and arguments for World Best Tourism Destination designation.

The inauguration ceremony, started with the message of the European Council on Tourism and Trade President, who highlighted the potential of the world culture, and the contribution of such public and cultural diplomacy initiatives to the dialogue between cultures, between generations, between the diplomatic community and civil society.

World Tourism, Travel and Cultural Awards Festival presented 56 countries candidatures for World Best Tourism Destination and World Capital of Culture and Tourism in 2017.

President Dr. Anton Caragea expressed satisfaction that the World Best Tourism Destination-Embassy Festival takes place concurrently with the New Year 2017 ceremonies and  announced 2017 as the YEAR OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AND NATURAL AREAS PROTECTION by this way marking lavishly the start of World Best Tourist Destination/World Capital of Culture and Tourism competitions.


Food Festival for 2017 Tourism “Oscar`s” presented national dishes from 56 countries candidates for World Tourism Awards and succeeded to capture the imaginations of the world public.

The celebration continued with a presentation of national dishes and culinary traditions and hospitality and folk costumes, presenting the participants with a unique opportunity to taste and enjoy the world food  as part of tourism development of today.

Many ambassadors present on the venue to uphold their countries candidature`s emphasize the importance of food as a bridge toward friendship and understanding.

There is only a culture of understanding and friendship around food, stated president Anton Caragea opening the food section of WORLD TOURISM AWARDS.


Asian food from China to Vietnam and India on display for European Council on Tourism and Trade festivities

World Best Tourism Destination  -Tourism Festival will continue until 5 January 2017, having a diverse agenda and over 50 embassies, cultural institutes and international organizations as participants, representing 6 continent`s.


Further readings are available here:



April 25, 2017 Posted by | Africa, African affairs, AMBASSADOR ANTON CARAGEA, Anton Caragea, Blackseanews Agency, CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, Diplomacy, European Council on International Relations, European Council on Tourism and Trade, Foreign policy, Informations, International Relation, Mass media, News, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Sustainable Development Goals, Tourism, Travel, UNESCO Heritage List, Universities, WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD, WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, WORLD CULTURAL INSTITUTE-EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE, WORLD EXPO 2017, World Tourism Day, WORLD TOURISM INSTITUTION, world tourism institution-European Council on Tourism and Trade, Zimbabwe | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


With the inauguration of the 45th President Washington gets in a festive mood and tourism industry starts garnering hopes.


As Donald John Trump is taking office, he promised a bright future for US tourism: getting the country on World Best Tourism Destination list, making historical cities on Eastern Coast of United States to be recognized as World Capital of Culture, all are on the to do list of the new administration drafted by the new President on his first day in office, writes European Journal of Tourism Washington correspondent.



United States President Donald Trump and Kingdom of Cambodia Prime Minister, Academician HUN SEN (Cambodia has won WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status in 2016)


But the analysts are not so convinced that Trump effect on tourism will be this positive. The Telegraph ask the readers : Who will visit an America ruled by Donald Trump? – and make a prophecy that not too many.

The New York Times in a central editorial make`s the same point: What Impact Will Trump Have on Tourism?


The analysis result sounds cautious: new immigration procedures that make the customs and border process harder, the scrutiny of particular groups of people); and the perception of how welcoming and safe (or not) the United States is are growing to weigh heavily on the future of US tourism.



Donald Trump promises that he will put his managerial skills in the benefit of world tourism.


Others cited in the article are right a way tenebrous: attendees at the World Travel Market London conference were coming up and “offering condolences.”( Gary Leff).


The list of worries on tourism faith under Donald Trump is long and wide spanning from: banning of minority groups, hostile policies towards Middle Eastern travellers, Cuban policy, US dollar strength in ratings, air fares tariffs, immigration policies and what role the Trump hotels will have in the great scheme of things.

Tourism is all about optimism and confidence and the new US President Donald Trump Jr. promised in his inaugural address that: hee will make US a World Best Tourist Destination country and a great country for all !

Let`s wait and see! The competition is still open after all!

More about World Tourism can be found here: WORLD&TOURISM

January 20, 2017 Posted by | Blackseanews Agency, CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, Donald J. Trump, Ecology, Economy, Environment, European Council on International Relations, Foreign policy, Informations, International Relation, Mass media, Medical Tourism, News, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Open Letter, Politics, PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP, President Robert Mugabe, ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN, Tourism, Travel, United States, Universities, WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD, WORLD CULTURAL INSTITUTE-EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE, WORLD TOURISM INSTITUTION, Zimbabwe | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


The international media has reported extensively on the lavish ceremonies taken place in Phnom Penh in celebration of WORLD CULTURAL INSTITUTION-EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE decision to crown The Kingdom of Cambodia as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2016 and FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2016.


On 22 June 2016 the world tourism community had celebrated the world level achievers in tourism and culture in a glittering display hosted by the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh.

On this felicitous momentum for world tourism the Kingdom of Cambodia was officially crowned as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and universally acclaimed as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2016.

The ceremony reunited the alph and omega of world tourism and offered renewed expectation for the tourism development in the next years.

The event had concluded the official visit of World Tourism Institutes delegations in the country.

The President of European Council on Tourism and Trade, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, had led an official delegation representing the World Tourism Institutes: European Tourism Academy and European Council on Tourism and Trade to a tour of Kingdom of Cambodia cultural and historical patrimony, in order to evaluate the country destiny as a tourism power house in Indochina region.

Prime Minister of The Kingodm of Cambodia, Academician Dr. HUN SEN held up high the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION certificate. For all the world to see !

The visit of the world tourism representatives had taken place between 15 and 25 June 2016, offering them the possibility to evaluate the tourism and cultural potential of theKingdom of Cambodia – country declared FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2016.

The representatives of World Tourism Institution – European Council on Tourism and Trade started their familiarization trip in the country, in the famous province of Siem Reap, home of famous Angkor temples and palaces.

The head of European Council on Tourism and Ttrade, President Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea and his delegates receiving a replica of Jayavarman the VII-Emperor of Angkor statue from Chairman of Siem Reap Province Mr. Nou Phalla.


The visit of European high level delegates to Siem Reap was accompanied by the diligent staff of Minister of Tourism of Cambodia and the Chairman of Siem Reap Province Mr. Nou Phalla.

A dense and perfectly carved cultural program presented the main attractions of the regions like: the world-famous architectural treasures of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, the incredible magnificent construction of Bayon temple, the rich views of the red temple of Banteay Srei and the cosmic images of a vegetation invaded temple at Ta Prohm.

The magnificent Temple of TA PROHM.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- President of European Council on Tourism and Trade had voiced his enthusiasm for the province cultural and historical potential in no uncertain terms: Angkor is the place where God`s and Kings, together, build not only a powerful kingdom, not only a long-lost way of life, but another understanding of the role and potential of human civilization.

The builders of Angkor proved to us, that the humanity knows no boundaries, no limitation in constructing kingdoms with no equal under the sun.

Siem Reap is the house of every person who appreciates civilization and a must see in a life time, concluded his press statement ECTT President.


President Dr. Anton Caragea outlines the simple truth: Siem Reap is the house of all who love culture!

On 17 June, a special dinner was offered to the delegates by the office of Governor of Siem Reap Province.

During the celebratory feast, an ample array of music, cultural tradition and costumes from the region was displayed for the high guests.

The next leg of the journey in the magic Kingdom of Cambodia was the familiarization trip around Phnom Penh.

The Cambodia`s capital meet the delegates with a perfect sky line, with the astonishing atmosphere of a bustling Southern Asian city and with incredible aroma, mixing monsoon air with mango and jasmine flowers, a secret aroma that only Phnom Penh has the mastery off.

The visit included a tour of the Wat Phnom, a discovery trip to the hustle and bustle of Central Market, a must stop at Phsar Tuol Tom Pong better known as Russian Market and a bird’s eye view of the awe-inspiring city monuments like: Independence Monument, the new governmental quarter of Peace Palace etc.

Royal Palace in Phnom Penh. A stand-alone point in the European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation visit to Cambodia`s Capital.

Phnom Penh also presented to the enchanted visitors, the gem of the city: the Royal Palace, a long lay over where the European delegates took the time to admire the Audience room, the palace grounds, the palace gardens, the ballet and concert hall, the administration rooms, the museum of royal regalia and paid respects to the funerary stupa`s of former Kings of Cambodia.

A moment of silence was observed for the stupa of the latest king of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanuk, the king who was in the same time: cineaste, prime minister, party leader, king, prince, television and show man and has put his imprint on Cambodia`s XX century story.

H.E. Pak Sokhom, Deputy Minister of Tourism warmly welcomes European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation at Phnom Penh Airport.

The former capital of XVII to XIX century Cambodia, the city of Udong, has also received the world tourism high delegates, who took time to explore the Buddha Temple, the stupa`s of King Monivong and the ensemble of temples and Buddhist learning institutes on the ground and admired the ample view from Udong mountain.

The European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates also attended a host of important meeting with the government staff, with an ample dialogue at Minister of Tourism of Cambodia together with H.E. Minister Dr. Thong Khon.

An ample program of exchanges and continuous support was established with specialists from European Council on Tourism and Trade offering expertise for a development master plan, for an eco-system protection area law and to establish a tourism institute and tourism training facilities on the Kingdom in order to meet the ever-increasing needs of tourism and hospitality expertise for the tourism industry of the Kingdom.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, in his capacity of World Ambassador for Natural Protected Areas was also requested to assist the Kingdom in drafting a natural areas and natural parks conservation law at international standards.

The meeting, with the able and competent personal of Minister of Tourism was especially a pleasurable one.

Dr. Thong Khon, Tourism Minister of Cambodia was specially praised by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea for his vision and astute policies and devotion to the country development, under the glowing leadership of Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Dr. HUN SEN.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade is congratulating Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Kingdom of Cambodia for long-standing efforts in promoting the country tourism potential.

The most important political moment, in European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia, was the meeting of the delegates headed by H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea with H.E. Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo – Dr. HUN SEN.

During the leaders conversation, the long history of Cambodia renaissance in XXI century, under the able leadership of Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Dr. HUN SEN was warmly evoked.

Discussing the future of Cambodia and world tourism: leaders of world tourism at the same table: H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and H.E. Minister Thong Khon and their teams.

President Anton Caragea remarked that we are in the presence of a historical leader, of a person who rebuild it Cambodia from zero to hero status, and was always a symbol of the country resistance.

On 22 June 2016, the official ceremonies of handover of WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION AWARD insignia to the highest representative of people and government of Cambodia: H.E. Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Dr. HUN SEN has taken place on the venue of Peace Palace in Phnom Penh.


Cambodia is FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2016 announces H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea.

Congratulatory speeches were presented by Minister of Tourism of Cambodia-Dr. Thong Khon, ECTT President- Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, and European Tourism Academy-Academician Mircea Constantinescu.

The official acceptance allocution was delivered, on behalf of people of Cambodia by H.E. Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Dr. HUN SEN.

Cambodia is entrusted with WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION title for a year.

The first part of ceremonies concluded with the official world recognition of Dr. HUN SEN, for his life work for the people of Cambodia and for international community as a WORLD LEADER OF TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT and the official handover of the ACADEMICIAN status regalia to Samdech HUN SEN by the Academician Mircea Constantinescu.

A new world leader in tourism and development: H.E. Academician Dr. HUN SEN- Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo-Prime Minister of Cambodia.

The second part of the ceremonies dedicated to enfeoffment of Cambodia as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION IN 2016, took place in the presence of the Royal Government of Cambodia, on 22 June 2016 and offered a magical display of the kingdom bounty of cultural and artistic treasures.

Tourism presentation movies, highlighting Cambodia`s unrivalled riches were interspersed with modern music and with universal values dances like: ASPARA dances (UNESCO immaterial heritage), Rice harvest dance, magic flowers dance etc, that put at the fore the riches and plentifulness of Cambodia srok Khmer, Khmer nation potential.


President Dr. Anton Caragea remarked in his speech that: In our decision to crown the diamond of Asia: Cambodia as World Best Tourist Destination, we did not forget for a moment that we are not encouraging people to go in strange and un-familiar place.

No, we are just telling them to discover a people, world-renowned for his hospitality, familiarity and openness to strangers: the Khmer people!

They will make you feel that you are rediscovering your home, that you are finding long-lost friends and families, that you are visiting you abode-Cambodia.

European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates together with Cambodia`s Minister of Tourism team on the stage of WORLD BEST TOURISM AWARDS ceremony.

The visit of European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates offered, to the Kingdom of Cambodia, a perfect occasion to display to the world community the cultural values, the historical patrimony, the traditions and costumes of the Khmer people, placing the country among the nation’s most endowed with a perfect touristic and human potential that must be the base for a future development of Cambodia: The KINGDOM OF WONDERS – WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION FOR 2016.


Apsara dance for Cambodia-WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016

(Phnom Penh-22 June 2016)

Cambodia-World Favorite Cultural Destination 2016


ECTT President Dr. Anton Caragea on the platform of Cambodia-Favorite Cultural Destination with Royal Opera from Phnom Penh

President Dr. Anton Caragea and Minister Thong Khon are offering congratulations to the outstanding performers on WORLD TOURISM AWARDS show.


  World Tourism Institution President and Prime Minister of Cambodia-Dr. HUN SEN

Prime Minister of Cambodia: Academician HUN SEN, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei techo and President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-European Council on Tourism and Trade.

H.E. Pak Sokhom – Deputy Minister of Tourism takes a photo with actors and singers on the stage of WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION for 2016: Kingdom of Cambodia.

H.E. Tourism Minister Thong Khong on the venue of WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION and FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2016.

World Tourism Institution President-Professor Dr. Anton on the venue of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION ceremony

H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea on the venue of WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION and FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2016.



July 16, 2016 Posted by | Blackseanews Agency, Cambodia, Ecology, Economy, Environment, EUROPEAN ACADEMY, European Council on Tourism and Trade, Informations, News, Open Letter, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Prime Minister HUN SEN, Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Tourism, WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD, WORLD CULTURAL INSTITUTE-EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE, WORLD TOURISM INSTITUTION, world tourism institution-European Council on Tourism and Trade | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment