Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


Romania has participated in the Autumn Meeting of European Council on Tourism and Trade and to the official celebrations for WORLD TOURISM DAY 2018.


The Romanian delegation was led by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and has fully participated in the world cultural and tourism events.


The main issues debated where the selection of the 2019 host cities for World Tourism Day, the theme of the next year tourism celebration.

This theme will be instrumental also in the selection of new candidates for hosting world tourism awards ceremonies in 2019.


 Phnom Penh, the capital of Kingdom of Cambodia and Djibouti city, the capital of The Republic of Djibouti were selected as the official hosts for World Tourism Day celebrations and official models of tourism.

Both Djibouti and Phnom Penh where in previous years selected as World`s Capital of Culture and Tourism and globally recognized as centers of heritage, tourism and culture.

The city of Phnom Penh has also obtained WORLD`S BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status in 2016 and hosted the World Tourism Awards ceremonies the same year proven himself as a powerful tourism and cultural center of Indochina.


Cambodia and Djibouti have won the honor to be examples in the tourism and cultural world for 2019.


 On the venue of the same event the WORLD TOURISM DAY 2019 theme was decided to be History and Tourism: A symbiotic relation!

The theme is destined not only to enliven tourism during 2019 but also to emphasize that tourism is inextricably linked with historical legacy.

History is the main attraction that is creating tourism demand and visitors expectation is linked with the existence of historical and cultural heritage.

Tourism must also be organized in such a manner to not impede conservation efforts, to support raising awareness on historical monuments and to help to acquire the financial support necessary for historical preservation activities.

Tourism and history are inseparable, are growing from the same tree: the sapling  of culture and civilization.


History is the root of tourism development and tourism must feed and nurture historical preservation as leaves are feeding the tree said Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

The next year celebration for World Tourism Day will take place in 27 September 2019, placing under the spotlight the culture and civilization as an integral part of tourism growth and role in the sustainable development goals agenda.


November 1, 2018 - Posted by | Anton Caragea, ASEAN, Blackseanews Agency, Cambodgia, CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, Diplomacy, Donald J. Trump, Ecology, Economy, Environment, EUROPEAN ACADEMY, Foreign policy, History, Informations, Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, International Relation, Leaders, Mass media, News, OECD-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Orient, Oriental Art, President Director General of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Tourism, Travel, United Nations Global Compact | , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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