Centrul Diplomatic/Diplomatic Center

Centrul de Studii Politice si Diplomatie/ Center for Political Science and Diplomacy


On 4 March, 2014 a protocol meeting, on the occasion of the opening of Montenegro Embassy to Romania, was held between Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and H.E. Milan R. Begovic, Ambassador of Montenegro.

Ambassador of Muntenegro-President Anton Caragea-ECTT

Prof.Dr. Anton Caragea express his full heartedly congratulation for the opening of Montenegro Embassy to Romania and assessed that Montenegro could be an important economic and political partner to foster the dialogue between Romania and West Balkans and it was the time to amplify the diplomatic dialogue in order to sustain a development in economic, trade and touristic exchanges between the two countries, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

The Romania- Montenegro relationship has the ability to become an example of building an economic and cultural exchange area between Romania and West Balkans region.

Now it is an auspicious moment to promote economic exchanges, to fully exploit touristic potential of Montenegro, to encourage economic investment and to create a bilateral Business Council, all this being objectives established by the political authorities in the two countries, concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. The fact that there is a clearly manifested political will in the support of this bilateral agenda is a joyful fact, observed by all the parties.

H.E. Ambassador Milan R. Begovic had expressed his appreciation for the encouragement`s offered by Prof.Dr.Anton Caragea and had stated that the vision of a economic, politic and cultural special relationship between Romanian and Montenegro is a common shared vision.

The dialogue had continued on concrete proposals of economic, political and cultural bilateral relations and on ways of fostering this dialogue on to the future.

The main topics had concentrated on increasing the bilateral trade volume, promoting economic investments, developing the legal framework for economic activities and expanding tourist liaisons and fully exploiting Montenegro special tourist potential, launching the bilateral cultural exchanges etc.

The dialogue had concluded in an open and amicable atmosphere.


March 5, 2014 Posted by | Diplomacy, Economy, Foreign policy, History, Informations, International Relation, Leaders, Mass media, News, Politics | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


On 31 May, 2013 a friendly meeting between Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and H.E. Raymundo Magno, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Brazil had taken place.

Brazil-ECTT webs

Prof.Dr. Anton Caragea express his assessment that Brazil could be an important economic and political partner for dialogue between Romania in South America region and highlighted also the marking of 85 years of  bilateral diplomatic relations as an important moments in bilateral diplomatic calendar, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

The Romania- Brazil relationship has the ability to become an example of building an economic and cultural exchange area between Romania and South America region.

Now it is an auspicious moment for reconstructing and rebuilding this framework of dialogue and friendship between Romania and Brazil stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, as the level of bilateral expectations is greater and the political and economic will for this favorable expansion of activities is clearly marked.

H.E. Ambassador Raymundo Magno had expressed his appreciation for the encouragement`s offered by Prof.Dr.Anton Caragea and had stated that the vision of a economic, politic and cultural special relationship between Romanian and Brazil is a common shared vision.

The dialogue had continued on concrete proposals of economic, political and cultural bilateral relations and on ways of fostering this dialogue on to the future.

The main topics had concentrated on increasing the bilateral trade volume, promoting economic investments, developing the legal framework for economic activities and expanding tourist liaisons and fully exploiting Brazil special tourist potential, re-launching the cultural exchanges and preparing events for marking 85 anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations.

The dialogue had concluded in an open and amicable atmosphere.

June 12, 2013 Posted by | Foreign policy | , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment